Year | Strand | Questions | Mark Schemes | ||
Y1 Further | Mech | Circular Motion | Horizontal Circular Motion | Horizontal Circular Motion | MS |
Y1 Further | Mech | Circular Motion | Vertical Circular Motion | Vertical Circular Motion | MS |
Y1 Further | Mech | Collisions | Conservation of Momentum | Conservation of Momentum | MS |
Y1 Further | Mech | Collisions | Coefficient of Restitution | Coefficient of Restitution | MS |
Y1 Further | Mech | Dimensional Analysis | Dimensional Analysis | Dimensional Analysis | MS |
Y1 Further | Mech | Work, Energy and Power | Work, Energy and Power | Work, Energy and Power | MS |
Y2 Further | Mech | Centres of Mass | Centres Of Mass | Centres Of Mass | MS |
Y2 Further | Mech | Centres of Mass | Centres of Mass Involving Integration | Centres of Mass Involving Integration | MS |
Y2 Further | Mech | Circular Motion | Problem Solving With Circular Motion | Problem Solving With Circular Motion | MS |
Y2 Further | Mech | Collisions | Oblique Collisions | Oblique Collisions | MS |
Y2 Further | Mech | Differential Equations | Linear Motion With Variable Acceleration | Linear Motion With Variable Acceleration | MS |
Y2 Further | Mech | Forces and Energy | Hooke’s Law | Hooke’s Law | MS |
Y1 Further | Stats | Combinatorics | Permutations and Combinations | Permutations and Combinations | MS |
Y1 Further | Stats | Distributions | Discrete Random Variables | Discrete Random Variables | MS |
Y1 Further | Stats | Distributions | Expectation and Variance of Linear Transformations of Discrete Random Variables | Expectation and Variance of Linear Transformations of Discrete Random Variables | MS |
Y1 Further | Stats | Distributions | Binomial Distribution | Binomial Distribution | MS |
Y1 Further | Stats | Distributions | Geometric Distribution | Geometric Distribution | MS |
Y1 Further | Stats | Distributions | Discrete Uniform Distribution | Discrete Uniform Distribution | MS |
Y1 Further | Stats | Distributions | Poisson Distribution | Poisson Distribution | MS |
Y1 Further | Stats | Hypothesis Testing | Chi Squared Tests (Contingency Tables) | Chi Squared Tests (Contingency Tables) | MS |
Y1 Further | Stats | Hypothesis Testing | Chi Squared Tests (Goodness of Fit) (Year 1) | Chi Squared Tests (Goodness of Fit) (Year 1) | MS |
Y1 Further | Stats | Hypothesis Testing and Linear Regression | Hypothesis Tests for Linear Correlation | Hypothesis Tests for Linear Correlation | MS |
Y1 Further | Stats | Linear Regression | Least Squares Regression Line | Least Squares Regression Line | MS |
Y2 Further | Stats | Confidence Intervals | Confidence Intervals for the Mean of a Sampling Distribution | Confidence Intervals for the Mean of a Sampling Distribution | MS |
Y2 Further | Stats | Distributions | Geometric Distribution Questions (with Year 2 Content) | Geometric Distribution Questions (with Year 2 Content) | MS |
Y2 Further | Stats | Distributions | Continuous Random Variables (Mean, Variance and Median) | Continuous Random Variables (Mean, Variance and Median) | MS |
Y2 Further | Stats | Distributions | Continuous Random Variables (Cumulative Distributions) | Continuous Random Variables (Cumulative Distributions) | MS |
Y2 Further | Stats | Distributions | Continuous Uniform Distribution | Continuous Uniform Distribution | MS |
Y2 Further | Stats | Distributions | Continuous Random Variables (Functions of CRVs) | Continuous Random Variables (Functions of CRVs) | MS |
Y2 Further | Stats | Distributions | Exponential Distribution | Exponential Distribution | MS |
Y2 Further | Stats | Distributions | Combinations of Continuous Random Variables | Combinations of Continuous Random Variables | MS |
Y2 Further | Stats | Hypothesis Testing | Chi Squared Tests (Goodness of Fit) (Year 2) | Chi Squared Tests (Goodness of Fit) (Year 2) | MS |
Y2 Further | Stats | Hypothesis Testing | Single Sample and Paired Sample Sign Tests | Single Sample and Paired Sample Sign Tests | MS |
Y2 Further | Stats | Hypothesis Testing | Wilcoxon Single Sample and Paired Sample Hypothesis Tests | Wilcoxon Single Sample and Paired Sample Hypothesis Tests | MS |
Y2 Further | Stats | Hypothesis Testing | Wilcoxon Rank Sum Tests | Wilcoxon Rank Sum Tests | MS |
Y2 Further | Stats | Hypothesis Testing | Using Central Limit Theorem | Using Central Limit Theorem | MS |
Y2 Further | Stats | Hypothesis Testing | Hypothesis Tests Requiring Unbiased Estimators and Central Limit Theorem | Hypothesis Tests Requiring Unbiased Estimators and Central Limit Theorem | MS |
Unit | Topic | Question Link | MS Link |
FS1 | Discrete Random Variables | Discrete Random Variables | MS |
FS1 | Expectation and Variance of Linear Transformations of Discrete Random Variables | Expectation and Variance of Linear Transformations of Discrete Random Variables | MS |
FS1 | Binomial Distribution | Binomial Distribution | MS |
FS1 | Poisson Distribution | Poisson Distribution | MS |
FS1 | Poisson Approximations to a Binomial Distribution | Poisson Approximations to a Binomial Distribution | MS |
FS1 | Hypothesis Tests for Mean of a Poisson Distribution | Hypothesis Tests for Mean of a Poisson Distribution | MS |
FS1 | Geometric Distribution | Geometric Distribution | MS |
FS1 | Hypothesis Tests for p in a Geometric Distribution | Coming Soon | |
FS1 | Negative Binomial Distribution | Coming Soon | |
FS1 | Central Limit Theorem | Central Limit Theorem | MS |
FS1 | Chi Squared Tests for Goodness of Fit | Chi Squared Tests for Goodness of Fit | MS |
FS1 | Chi-Squared Tests on Contingency Tables | Chi-Squared Tests on Contingency Tables | MS |
FS1 | Probability Generating Functions | Probability Generating Functions | MS |
FS1 | Quality of Hypothesis Tests | Quality of Hypothesis Tests | MS |
FS2 | Least Squares Regression Line | Least Squares Regression Line | MS |
FS2 | Hypothesis Tests for Linear Correlation | Hypothesis Tests for Linear Correlation | MS |
FS2 | Continuous Random Variables (Mean, Variance and Median) | Continuous Random Variables (Mean, Variance and Median) | MS |
FS2 | Continuous Random Variables (Cumulative Distributions) | Continuous Random Variables (Cumulative Distributions) | MS |
FS2 | Combinations of Continuous Random Variables | Combinations of Continuous Random Variables | MS |
FS2 | Estimation | Coming Soon | |
FS2 | Further Hypothesis Tests | Coming Soon | |
FS2 | Confidence Intervals and the t-Distribution | Coming Soon | |
FM1 | Conservation of Momentum | Conservation of Momentum | MS |
FM1 | Work, Energy and Power | Work, Energy and Power | MS |
FM1 | Hooke’s Law | Hooke’s Law | MS |
FM1 | Coefficient of Restitution | Coefficient of Restitution | MS |
FM1 | Oblique Collisions | Oblique Collisions | MS |
FM2 | Horizontal Circular Motion | Horizontal Circular Motion | MS |
FM2 | Vertical Circular Motion | Vertical Circular Motion | MS |
FM2 | Problem Solving With Circular Motion | Problem Solving With Circular Motion | MS |
FM2 | Centres Of Mass | Centres Of Mass | MS |
FM2 | Centres of Mass Involving Integration | Centres of Mass Involving Integration | MS |
FM2 | Centres of Mass with Variable Density Involving Integration | Coming Soon | |
FM2 | Linear Motion With Variable Acceleration | Linear Motion With Variable Acceleration | MS |
FM2 | Dynamics | Coming Soon |
These questions are only partially complete. Over the coming academic year more relevant content will appear.
Unit | Level | Topic | Question Link | MS Link |
Mech | Major | Horizontal Circular Motion | Horizontal Circular Motion | MS |
Mech | Major | Vertical Circular Motion | Vertical Circular Motion | MS |
Mech | Minor | Conservation of Momentum | Conservation of Momentum | MS |
Mech | Major | Coefficient of Restitution | Coefficient of Restitution | MS |
Mech | Minor | Dimensional Analysis | Dimensional Analysis | MS |
Mech | Minor | Forces | Coming Soon | |
Mech | Minor | Work, Energy and Power | Work, Energy and Power | MS |
Mech | Minor | Centres of Mass of Systems of Particles and Shapes | Coming Soon | |
Mech | Major | Centres Of Mass | Centres Of Mass | MS |
Mech | Major | Centres of Mass Involving Integration | Centres of Mass Involving Integration | MS |
Mech | Major | Problem Solving With Circular Motion | Problem Solving With Circular Motion | MS |
Mech | Major | Oblique Collisions | Oblique Collisions | MS |
Mech | Major | Linear Motion With Variable Acceleration | Linear Motion With Variable Acceleration | MS |
Mech | Major | Hooke’s Law | Hooke’s Law | MS |
Stats | Minor | Discrete Random Variables | Discrete Random Variables | MS |
Stats | Minor | Expectation and Variance of Linear Transformations of Discrete Random Variables | Expectation and Variance of Linear Transformations of Discrete Random Variables | MS |
Stats | Minor | Binomial Distribution | Binomial Distribution | MS |
Stats | Minor | Geometric Distribution | Geometric Distribution | MS |
Stats | Minor | Discrete Uniform Distribution | Discrete Uniform Distribution | MS |
Stats | Minor | Poisson Distribution | Poisson Distribution | MS |
Stats | Minor | Chi Squared Tests (Contingency Tables) | Chi Squared Tests (Contingency Tables) | MS |
Stats | Minor | Chi Squared Tests (Goodness of Fit) | Chi Squared Tests (Goodness of Fit) | MS |
Stats | Minor | Hypothesis Tests for Linear Correlation | Hypothesis Tests for Linear Correlation | MS |
Stats | Minor | Least Squares Regression Line | Least Squares Regression Line | MS |
Stats | Minor | Confidence Intervals for the Sampling Mean of a Normal Distribution | Confidence Intervals for the Sampling Mean of a Normal Distribution | MS |
Stats | Major | Continuous Random Variables (Mean, Variance and Median) | Continuous Random Variables (Mean, Variance and Median) | MS |
Stats | Major | Continuous Random Variables (Cumulative Distributions) | Continuous Random Variables (Cumulative Distributions) | MS |
Stats | Major | Continuous Uniform Distribution | Continuous Uniform Distribution | MS |
Stats | Major | Exponential Distribution | Exponential Distribution | MS |
Stats | Major | Combinations of Continuous Random Variables | Combinations of Continuous Random Variables | MS |
Stats | Major | Using Central Limit Theorem | Using Central Limit Theorem | MS |
Stats | Major | Hypothesis Tests Requiring Unbiased Estimators and Central Limit Theorem | Hypothesis Tests Requiring Unbiased Estimators and Central Limit Theorem | MS |
Stats | Major | T-Distribution | Coming Soon |
Work in progress…